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Where is the Enovix corporate headquarters?
Enovix is headquartered in Fremont, California.
What year was Enovix founded?
Enovix was founded in 2007.
When did Enovix become a public company?
Enovix became a public company in July 2021.
What exchange does Enovix trade on and what is the ticker symbol?
Enovix shares trade on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the symbol “ENVX”.
When is the Enovix fiscal year end?
Enovix’s fiscal year ends on December 31.
How do I invest in Enovix common stock?
Contact a stockbroker, bank or other institution that offers brokerage service to buy or sell Enovix common stock.
How can I purchase stock directly from Enovix?
Enovix does not offer a direct stock purchase program. Shares of Enovix’s common stock can be purchased by contacting a securities broker of your choice.
Who is the Enovix transfer agent?
Computershare Trust Company N.A. They can be reached at the following addresses:
E-mail inquiries:
Written requests:
By Mail:
P.O. Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940-3078
By Overnight Delivery:
150 Royall St., Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021
E-mail inquiries:
Written requests:
By Mail:
P.O. Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940-3078
By Overnight Delivery:
150 Royall St., Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021
How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?
Please contact our transfer agent, Computershare Trust Company N.A., to make changes.
Who is the Enovix independent registered public accounting firm?
Our independent registered public accounting firm is Deloitte & Touche LLP.
Who is the Enovix legal counsel?
Our legal counsel is Cooley LLP.
How do I get added to the distribution list for Enovix press releases and e-mail alerts?
You can sign up on the Enovix website to receive press releases, SEC filings and notice of quarterly earnings call here.
How can I view documents Enovix has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
Enovix provides all SEC filings on its website here. Additionally, all SEC filings can also be accessed directly from the SEC at
Does Enovix pay dividends and have a reinvestment program?
Enovix does not currently pay dividends.
When is your next earnings release scheduled?
Enovix will issue a press release announcing each earnings date. There will also be a link to the webcast in the “News and Events” section of the Web site.
How do I reach Investor Relations at Enovix?
Enovix IR can provide information regarding business strategy and financial performance that is already public. You can contact Enovix IR via e-mail at or submit a query through our Contact Investor Relations page here.